Monday, September 22, 2008

I'm your Secret-Admirer :)

How to describe your beauty?
Your natural beauty made me loss for words. My eyes assume to lie, pretending not to see you. I’m yearning for an appropriate time and right moment to utter my first hello to you. I am hopeful and look forward to know you as without you realizing, I’m actually your secret admirer. This admiration shall never diminish as fate will tell I may eventually get the chance to know you later. It may be easy for you to be admired by someone else who lay their eyes on you but having someone like me will be eternity solely because it is you


Anonymous said...

this one attracts me most...wahahahah~

selamat hari raye! =D

PRINCE of ALL said...

Happy to hear that! =)

Salam Aidilfitri to0 to you and all readers..