Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Earth & Us

The existence of this planet earth is for mankind to live together in harmony and peacefully. We are here, the life that we have and build is not for eternity. We must always seek towards having fruitful and good relationships amongst us. Let’s make changes and make this world a better place to stay

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Money VS Moral Value

By merely being rich and having big amounts of money is not everything in life. Ones should have the very basic values such as integrity and honesty. These values will guide and make you a better person to the eyes of all

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Let's Move Forward!

We always tend to ponder over mistakes and regrets on things of the past, until we cannot focus of what we need to do and achieve the things that lies ahead. We need to realize and learned from the past mistakes and at the same time must not let the feelings of depression take the precedent of our life. Let’s together move forward and develop a sense of urgency to pursue what we want to be. Life is too short, time is running too fast and let’s make use to the fullest of our precious life!